If we could recommend only one improvement for your tree, shrub, and plant spaces, it would be adding or topping up a mulch layer.
There are so many benefits to adding mulch to tree, shrub, flower, and plant beds. And, it is one of the lowest cost options as well. Bonus!
Here is what the mighty mulch does:
Promotes Plant Health
Mulch adds nutrients and organic matter to your soils as it naturally decomposes. Mulch beds should be topped up every two to three years to replace what breaks down into rich soil. This healthy organic matter makes plants more pest and disease resistant and encourages microorganism and earthworm activity, improving soil conditions for optimal plant health. It also stops vital nutrients from leaching away when rain or snow takes its toll.
Increases Curb Appeal
Tree, shrub, and plant areas with mulch are more appealing to the eye than bare soil. In wet weather, un-mulched areas become muddy and allow tracking of dirt and debris into indoor spaces. Mulch also retains moisture instead of allowing it to collect into puddles and pools. Then, mulch slowly releases this water to your happy plants. Mulch prevents erosion and soil compaction caused by foot traffic, helping plant areas retain their aesthetics.
Naturally Resists Weeds and Diseases
Mulch naturally suppresses weed growth and prevents airborne weeds from taking root. When weeds do push up through the mulch layer, they are easier to pull and maintain than bare soil surfaces.
Protects Against Weather
Mulch forms a protective barrier for your plants against the elements. When the sun is hot, mulch keeps plant roots cool and cuts down on evaporation. When it rains, mulch stops the nutrient-rich soil from draining away, so you don’t need to spend as much on fertilizer or adding organics into the soil. Mulch hangs onto moisture and slowly releases it after it rains. When the weather turns cold, mulch protects against frost and creates an insulation layer between plant roots and snow.
Uses Recycled Products
Mulch takes recycled plant material and adds valuable resources back into the soil.
Did you know that LECM has our own organics recycling facility? We recycle non-diseased trees that have been cut down into mulch, and create topsoil in our compost piles, benefitting the tree, shrub, and plant client areas that we manage. Read more here.
What do you say? Is it time to lock in the cost savings by adding or topping up mulch beds on your property?
Contact Us for a quote.